How to choose the right yoga class?

The key to a good yoga practice is to match the right practice with your own personality and physical and mental needs. There are so many styles of yoga classes available that it can be overwhelming to choose. Each style of yoga will give you a different way to connect to yourself and each style gives you something different to take away.

Take a look at our handy flow-chart to find out which of our classes to choose today

How to choose the right yoga class

Not sure what the yoga names mean?

We've rounded together a nice summary of all the information you might need on the style and benefits so that you can choose accordingly.


Influence by Ashtanga, this style of yoga mixes up asanas (poses) in new and creative sequences. Yoga Flow connects breath with movement - the poses can flow from one to another in a series of inhales and exhales. There might be music, props, incense and no two classes are every the same. It is down to the teacher's own personal style and creativity.

The class is open to all levels and the sequences can be quite dynamic and fast paced. It is a great work-out to increase strength and flexibility and also a bit of cardio.


Based on ancient traditional teachings, this style of yoga began in Mysore, India in the 1970s. It is comprised of 6 unvarying sequences that are to be practised in gradual progression - from easier to hard. A great emphasis is placed on breath control, focus and the alignment of the poses. Students will be guided by the teacher to flow rapidly through sequence, linking asanas with the breath.

The class can accommodate all levels but will be perfect for those who want to learn the traditional yoga style and want to see their progression through their practice.

If you're looking for a structured and strong practice that will tone and strengthen the body, then you will love Ashtanga.


Based on Taoist concept of Yin and Yang - where Yang represents the strong, movement of the body to build heat, Yin represents the softer, restorative activities that heal the body. Yin yoga was designed to help students go deeper through longer passive stretches, usually floor based.

Yin classes are slow in pace, and students will go through several asanas in meditative silence and breath work. The postures are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, release the hips and lower back, and stimulate particular meridian lines. Many props will be used, such as bolsters and blocks to lie on, and softer music can be used to help students relax.

Yin yoga will not make you sweat but challenge you on stillness, due to long posture holds. This practice is perfect for active people looking to build flexibility, improve joint stability and heal the body.


In the West, Hatha is known as a slow paced, and gentle yoga style with longer posture holds and few creative flows between postures. It builds a great foundation for more advanced and physically challenging styles, such as Ashtanga. Hatha builds length and strength in the body due to longer holds and a great class to learn posture alignment and breath control.

This style is great for beginners who want to learn the basics in a strong but slower paced environment. Hatha classes are typically slower and more gentle than their yoga flow counterpart but you will build a great foundation to progress.


Our yoga foundation is a wonderful class for all beginners, whether you have never tried yoga, or have tried a few classes but want to create a better understanding of the body and the movements in yoga. These classes are slower paced and will move through fewer asanas (poses) than other classes, but will focus on correct alignment and break down poses for better understanding of the practice. This class will also introduce some breathwork and mindfulness.

This class can incorporate music, lots of props and some casual fun through every body learning as they go.


Our Strong Flow class uses the Yoga Flow style but incorporates stronger poses, which students flow quickly through. It may also incorporate longer holds on certain stronger poses and can have a dynamic aspect to it. Anything that gets the body sweating and working hard. This class is great fun and also increases strength and cardio, while also learning some basic yoga practice.

This class is open to all levels but better suited for those who likes a bit of a challenge and get a little sweaty.


This style will take students through a challenging flow, working through asanas in a fast paced environment while incorporating the breath with each movement. Expect to get a bit sweaty and a great work-out. Don't worry however, the second half of this class is all about the yin - coming down to the floor and holding long restorative poses to increase flexibility and heal the body.

This class is open for all levels and great fun for those who want a workout but also to chill out.


A softer class than Revive & Restore, but incorporates the same yang/yin style practice. The class will be taken through a gentle flow, drawing influence from a Hatha style practice, then coming down to the ground for a restorative yin style practice.

This class is open for all levels but also great for beginners who want to progress to a yoga flow class but don't quite want a whole hour of flowing as second half of this class is all about restoring and chilling.


A Yoga Flow class with a mindful twist. This class will get you moving in a creative sequence but the teacher will also take you through a short mindfulness practice, such as breathing techniques and beginner meditation techniques.

This class is open to all levels and a great way to wake up and energise.

There is usually less focus on perfect alignment than getting the body moving and engaging in the morning. This is a great class for those who wants to move without a strict structure and also those who are looking to start some mindfulness practice too.


Pregnancy yoga is a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental centering and focused breathing. Research suggests that prenatal yoga is safe and can have many benefits for pregnant women and their babies.

Pregnancy yoga can: - Improve sleep - Reduce stress and anxiety - Increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth - Decrease lower back pain, nausea, headaches and shortness of breath - Prenatal yoga can also help you meet and bond with other parents to be!

Postnatal yoga classes are suitable for you and your baby, any time from 6 weeks after birth. The classes are designed to support you, as a new mum and your body, gently realigning the body, post pregnancy and birth. The class focuses on the breath and pelvic floor awareness, postures that create strength, connecting deeply and safely with the core muscles and releasing tension physically, especially in the shoulders and the back. As a new mum your baby may require your attention during class for feeding or just to be held, it is important that you feel relaxed to meet your babies needs therefore the classes are designed to work deeply, with simplicity so you can join in or catch up accordingly.

Baby Massage Yoga

Baby focused, the class helps infants to make the transition from babyhood to independent movement Parents are given the know how to support the developmental transitions occurring in this time so that babies are always positively encouraged, (but never forced) to participate, learn and grow. Fun rhymes, songs and games are incorporated into each class and are designed so that you can practice at home, build your confidence and enhance bonding. No yoga experience needed and this is all done in a warm, welcoming, fun loving, informative, safe, and pleasantly structured environment.


The Meaning of Om


Revolved Crescent Lunge: Parivrtta Anjaneyasana