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Introducing: Bak Bok

We are absolutely loving that the Bak Bok name has been sneaking in amongst the London climbing scene. You can spot their distinct designs climbing indoor walls, at local crags, even cycling past you in the park. 

The boys behind the street savvy climbing brand have done a great job in creating a clear design style and colour palette which separates them from the rest. We have asked Bak Bok to use Yonder as an inspiration for design and take us into winter with an amazing new collection of warm winter clothes. 

Read below to meet Doug and Mat, the boys behind the brand, and discover a little more about Bak Bok.

How did you both meet? 

D- My brother and Mat were good friends in school so he was always around mine growing up. Occasionally, they would let me out with them for drive-abouts in Mats’ ‘Inbetweeners car’ it had an almost identical number plate to the TV show and also like the show he had knocked the door off and had to replace it with a red one… his car was silver 😂

M- We really became close and started hanging out more in our mid teens. Doug was always the one with more of a fashion sense in my opinion so we shared a similar idea of music and fashion and the rest is history. 

What is one of your ‘best’ memories shared with one another?

D- Countless. But I’d have to say it would be the times we shared at Reading festival. We went 5 years in a row where we've had crazy moments and seen amazing bands. I would say the first time I sent my V5 but he had walked off to the cafe and missed it.

M- If I didn’t see the V5, it didn’t happen. Sorry mate.

I have a particular festival memory; it was one moment that we were in the middle of a ‘wall of death’ mosh while watching The Gallows, that was mad. This specific Gallows set meant we were hard moshing the whole time. Festivals were also really where the original idea for the brand began.

What would the other say is your best feature? 

D- My giant Viking nose

M- I'm going to say Doug would mention my chiseled cheekbones.

How and when was the idea of Bak Bok birthed?

D- We had played with the idea of creating a brand for a while. We used to bleach dye T-shirts with all sorts of wacky designs, some of which we have brought over to Bak Bok (the Jellyfish T)  and we called ourselves Bleach Boys 😅 This was about 10 years ago now. 

M- I had already mentioned to Doug about starting a brand to get his designs out there and then there was a festival where Doug and his partner made some Tee’s with the aforementioned bleach. After wearing mine back at home I had people say how cool it was and it made me go back to Doug and push again. 

D- Once it was agreed I went away and played with some ideas and we settled on a concept that we liked and a name that has no real meaning (other than to our close group of friends, sorry guys).

M- It’s safe to say I’m glad we aren't dealing with the bleach anymore, and we now have a strong solution to get his designs out on the streets and on the walls.

What is Bak Bok, who are it's customers?

D- It’s hard to say. Originally the idea was that we just wanted a funky, active-lifestyle brand for like-minded people. It turns out that like-minded people seem to mostly be climbers and creative types. We never want to pigeon hole ourselves but our love for climbing inevitably comes across in the branding and social profile…..it also probably didn’t help that our first range was called “the Boulder collection” and was literally designed to look good when climbing (tiny logo on the front, big bold design on the back)

M- I would agree with Doug here. Ultimately I want to be able to wander anywhere and see someone repping one of the designs. Of course we are clearly trying to break a scene but we are here for all realistically. Problem is when all we do is work and climb then climbing is going to make its way into our inspirations.

What's driving the design ideas and the next products coming out- personal taste/streetwear/fashion trends? 

D- All of the above. We definitely consider trends that are happening in the ‘now’, but mostly, the designs are born out from ideas we personally think could look cool, and occasionally inspire with a nice message. I then take those ideas and usually start with doodles whilst on the train to Yonder… I reckon 80% of our designs have been conjured on the train to Yonder, coming from Gravesend, this gives me plenty of creative time 😂

M- When we are considering what is coming next, I like to gauge an understanding of what people would like and need. This is why the climbing scene holds inspiration and motivation for us. I know that people would like to see an expansion on products and I would love our next little project to involve (spoiler) some shorts and even some chalk bags.

Where would you like Bak Bok to be in the next 3-4 years?

D- pfffffff big question. We have always said that we want it to grow slowly and organically, but I would hope that in a few years time you will see Bak Bok being worn in any UK climbing gym you walk into, and we’ll have a presence across other outdoor sports. We would also like a physical presence somewhere, whether it be a store, pop-up markets or festival pop-ups, as well as hosting and sponsoring athletes and events. The ten year plan is total take over 😂

M- haha yes! It was always going to be a slow start because we both have full time jobs outside of Bak Bok and do all the work in our free time. I think by not putting pressure and expecting world domination right off the bat has been a great way to start a small brand. We plan to start small and end BIG.

Quick Fire Round

First to complain when the walk to the climbing crag is too long? Doug.

Most likely to wear a hole in their Bak Bok T? We both have, old is gold baby!

The one that most likely forgot their sleeping bag on the climbing trip? Damn, we both have!

Who is the one with the map and who is the one driving? Mat is the motor guy, always.

If you want to get yourself in some new threads from Bak Bok hit the buton below